Know Thyself, Know Thy Brand
Self-Reflection as a tool towards building your personal brand.
It’s doubtful that Socrates thought much about his profile picture or next tweet. But the man knew a thing or two about personal branding. Don’t believe me?
“The way to gain a good reputation, is to endeavor to be what you desire to appear.”
— Socrates
The truth is, personal branding involves a bit of a push and pull type of tension. There is the push of what you want others to see that (that is, what you push out into the public). And then there is the pull of needing to share an authentic brand with which others can connect.
That’s the whole purpose for building a brand for experts, isn’t it? Institutions, corporations, and organizations that were once the gatekeepers on authority have become cold, lifeless publishers of information. Energy and vitality is instead seen in individuals. Increasingly, people want to learn from other people and get their information from people with whom they trust.
So how does one create this balance of determining what qualities they possess, and what qualities they want others to see? Today, I will attempt to guide you through some foundational reflection questions to get you started. I highly suggest you schedule some journaling time around these questions. Take the time to look inward, reflect, and document what you find.
Ready to get started? No?
If you’re anything like me, an hour of journaling can feel like torture. I find this deep, inward work uncomfortable. Perhaps you even think this is a bit “woo-woo.” And I can sympathize with the hesitancy, but on the other end of this process is clarity, direction, and the insights that will lay the groundwork for your personal brand. Can you get behind that aim?
Yes? Let’s get started!
Starting with “WHY”
Motivation starts with having a driving reason. So, why are you building your personal brand? Maybe it’s simply because I’ve convinced you that it’s necessary in the Internet age. But my guess is it’s because you have a goal you are trying to reach.
What excites you to work every day? Why did you decide to focus on this topic? These questions will be important in developing in your brand story. Your passion for your work is attractive to others. By identifying your motivations, you can try to communicate this passion in the content you produce and share online.
Following with “WHO?”
This is where knowing who you are and which qualities you want to present to the world is so important. Let me recommend two tasks in this area:
- Think through the core personality traits you want to convey.
- Identify your comparative advantages.
What do you want to be known or remembered for?
You will want to think through how you want to be perceived, how you would like others to remember you or your work. Many important decisions in the future will hinge on your answers. For example, your brand aesthetics, voice, and tone will depend on these answers.
Ending with “WHAT”
What value do you offer to your audience? People are inherently self-interested, so it is important to leave your audience knowing how you can benefit them. Pinpoint what knowledge you can equip them with, frameworks you provide, and perspectives you’ll share.
It’s important to follow through on delivering this promised value. Infuse it in your social media posts, articles, newsletters, blogs, etc. When you create content, make sure it is providing that value. And do so consistently! This will help position you favorably in the minds of your audience.
Process Takeaways
This process takes work, but the reward for committing to it is a renewed sense of self. You’ve taken the path of self-discovery, and hopefully you come away knowing:
- How valuable you are
- How unique you are
- How you can help others
- How you can make a difference
Understanding these facts about you can improve your view of yourself, your work, and your place in the world. You’ll be able to renew your focus on your personal brand. So, take the time to dig deep, understand yourself and your brand, and decide what is important to communicate to the world.
Happy Brand Building!
Originally posted at The Elevated Expert Substack, subscribe for more content like this delivered to your inbox.
You can follow me on X @marketingmollie for more personal branding advice.